Christian Clipart

These Christian graphics are to the best of my knowledge in the public domain. They are free to download and use for either private or commerical use. Most, but not all are displayed smaller than their actual size. For best quality, click on the clipart to enlarge before copying or downloading.

Christmas Clipart

Christmas-Angels Clipart

Christmas-Nativity Clipart

Christmas-Shepherds Clipart

Christmas-Wise Men Clipart

Communion Clipart

Currier & Ives Clipart

Easter Clipart

Easter-Crosses Clipart

Easter-Victorian Greeting Cards

Easter-Palm Sunday Clipart

Easter-Last Supper Clipart

Easter-Gethsemane Clipart

Easter-After The Resurrection Clipart

Jesus Clipart

Jesus-Calming the Storm Clipart

Jesus-Sermon On The Mount Clipart

John The Baptist Clipart

Stained Glass Clipart
