Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Polls Are Here Again! The States We Love Won't Be Blue Again!

Recent polls should have conservatives doing handstands and cartwheels. The first poll, released by Rasmussen Reports, shows the number of unaffiliated (or independent) voters increasing. Independent voters have already shown their heavyweight clout in Massachusetts, Virginia, and New Jersey. Enough clout that leaders in both parties are scrambling to win back allegiance that is dwindling. Democrats and Republicans alike are concerned and they should be. But conservatives don't need to be concerned about the latest trends. In fact, conservatives have cause to celebrate.

As independents increase, two trends are apparent. First, independents are moving to the right. According to a Gallup poll, independents are leaning more towards the right on issues of government regulation, immigration, global warming, special interest groups, abortion, and the economy. Moreover, the number of independents who identify themselves as conservatives has risen from 29 percent last year to 35 percent this year. Not ready to do the happy dance yet? There's more. The second trend shows independents moving away from President Obama. A recent poll of independents shows:
  • 53 percent say he's fallen below their expectations as president
  • 45 percent said he's changed the U.S. for the worst
  • 52 percent have an unfavorable impression of the president
Now, consider this, in yet another poll Obama's campaigning for Senator Reid actually hurt Reid more than it helped him. While 7% said they would be more likely to vote for Reid, 17% said they would be less likely to vote for him. In fact, Obama's batting average on the campaign trail is indiscernible.

So as independents become more conservative and less smitten with Obama, what's a conservative to do? First, keep educating America. Don't rant, don't rave. We don't have to, we have facts and logic on our side. Second, be encouraged by the polls but don't let up on your efforts. We're not done, not by a long shot. Keep the momentum going. Keep the momentum moving to the conservative right. Finally, for every candidate that needs to be defeated write a letter to Mr. Obama. Be sincere, be honest. Here's an example (just substitute the candidate(s) name of your choice):

Dear President Obama,
I love the United States of America and want what is best for this country and her people. I am concerned about Senator Barbara Boxer's chances for re-election. I think you can help. Senator Barbara Boxer is in a tough race. There’s a good chance she could lose. I believe you could greatly influence the outcome of this election. Please help us get our country back on track. Please come to California and campaign for her.
Thank you,
A Concerned Citizen


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