Governor Schwarzenegger is proclaiming that the worst is over for California's economy. Others aren't quite ready to do the happy dance. With a 20 billion dollar deficit, job cuts still loom and California mayors are meeting to discuss solutions. Sound like the worst is over? It isn't, and Californians are going to take their economic woes to the polls, you can bet every penny of that $20 billion deficit. Californians are also dealing with 12.4% unemployment. The fifth highest in the nation. Forefront in their minds when Californians vote is going to be every job that has been lost and every job that has not been created.
Boxer claims she knows creating jobs is paramount. That means she knows job creation is of chief importance; supreme in rank. In fact, she says she's "doing everything I can to create jobs." So what has she been doing to create jobs? She, along with Senator John Kerry, introduced an energy and climate bill that stalled in the Senate partly because it would kill jobs. She has sung the praises of a stimulus package that even proponents admit has done little to create jobs or slow unemployment. She has refused to support legislation to turn on the pumps for Central Valley farmers and save 60,000 California jobs. Most recently, she supported Reid's "jobs" bill, which quite frankly is not a jobs bill. It extends jobs already in place and offers a tax credit for new hires. Business owners don't hire people because they get a tax credit. They hire people because their businesses are growing. California has regulated businesses to the point that business growth is virtually impossible. Reid's job bill will do diddley squat for Californians.
Last week my fourteen-year-old grandson had a science test that was very important to his overall grade, one might say it was paramount. The night before the test I asked him if he was studying. He answered, "yes, ma'am." I didn't correct him; I happen to think that ma'am is a term of respect. I also went to check on that studying. (I am the grandmother of a fourteen year old; I am not an idiot.) His science book was open, on the table behind him. On his computer screen was Fable: The Lost Chapters. He got his test back this week; he did not do well. That's pretty much Boxer's story. Her greatest effort towards job creation has been to tack jobs onto the fable of climate change, stimulus, and tax credits as incentive to hire and she lost the chance to actually create jobs. As far as genuine jobs created; she did not do well.
Barbara Boxer is defeatable. She's defeatable as long as conservatives keep up efforts to keep her record in the forefront of Californian's minds. She's defeatable as long as Californians vote for economic recovery. She's defeatable as long as conservatives promote the belief that she is defeatable. How defeatable? Flat out defeatable.
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